Title Here – 2019
Art as Problematic Waste, a co-directed with Finnish media artist Aimo Hyvärinen, comprises both a 24 minute duration video triptych with 4-channel sound installation and a 55 minute documentary film. Shot in Finland, Germany and the Uk the work is based on interviews with artists, art critics and curators on issues relating to the ‘excess’ of art production. These questions on the material managment of art cover storage, legacy and the disposal of art work and how art might become a vaey particular form of probelmatic waste.
For further information please see project website:
October 2019 – Art as Problematic Waste installation opens in Turku Art Hall, Finland, 3rd-27th October and in Kulttuuritalo Laikku, Tampere, Finland 6th-27th October.
The documentary previews at Laikku Studio, Tampere, 8th (14-16pm) followed by a panel discussion (In Finnish Language).